Addiction affects the entire family, not just the person in active addiction. We realize by the time most people reach out for help or seek out addiction treatment for a family member’s substance abuse, the situation has typically gotten out of control. Lake Point Recovery and Wellness provides comprehensive treatment to those suffering from addictions, as well as provides help and support for the family of those in addiction, including spouses, parents, caregivers, siblings and children. Family support is an important part of recovery, not just for the person suffering from addiction, but for all family members who are affected by a loved one’s alcohol and drug use.
At Lake Point Recovery and Wellness, we strongly encourage family involvement. We provide an educational program for families to help them understand addiction. We explain how addiction is a systemic issue that can encompass the entire family. We also educate family members on the biological aspects of substance use. We provide information on family dynamics and ways to help those suffering with addictions heal. We offer this class to the friends and family of our inpatient customers free of charge. The classes are held twice per month, on the visitation day.
We also offer more individualized support to families of those struggling with addictions and mental health issues. Our trained clinical staff can provide family therapy sessions, consultation, education on substance use disorders and treatment, and connection to support groups, such as Al-Anon. We also aid families in finding resources outside of our agency to assist with the treatment needs of their loved one.
Lake Point Recovery and Wellness provides personalized and confidential addiction recovery services for the entire family or individual family members. Dealing with the traumatic events that surround those in addictions can be difficult and having someone to talk to can accelerate the healing process. Our clinical staff can assist families with learning ways of improving accountability, improving communication issues and dealing with the emotions of being betrayed or lied to by those in addiction. We also offer free resources to families and those struggling with addiction, even if you chose not to seek treatment right now.
Check out our Lake Point Recovery and Wellness Blog to gain tools to help yourself or someone you care for recover.